Roles of Team Members

Team member names and role each played. Be specific.

Megan Keller-Bongiovi 
I focused on the media effects and the truth vs. truthiness of the case. I found articles relating to the case and what was true and how the film portrayed it. I also focused on the indirect consequences of how women are portrayed in the media. I also helped Jessica find adds for the poster of how women are portrayed in the media.

Jessica Tippetts
I launched the blog (both the project blog and the team blog) and decided the layout. I put the collage together and made a tab about it on the blog. I uploaded media to the blog. Although not as in depth as Megan, I also looked at the consequences of women's portrayal. I made sure we all met in the same place every group meeting.

Clarissa Gil
I researched about rape and sex laws in the U.S. and Utah. I found the cartoons and many articles and links that were relevant to our movie. I added the playlist, movie clips, music videos and charts to the blog. I also added the links about foundations and help centers like capsa and provided some magazine materials for my group to make the poster.